Root Canal Treatment
Common Symptoms requiring an RCT:
Severe tooth pain, typically relieved by cold water and increases with the intake of hot liquids.
Pain worsens when you lie down and reduces when you sit up.
Pain stays for a long time after consuming cold things.
Swelling around the tooth.
Constant tooth pain
Pain when chewing.
Tooth pain referred to head and ears as well.
Tooth sensitivity on consuming sweets.
If you have any of the above stated symptoms, it would be advisable that you visit your dentist, since he is the best person to judge whether you have a root canal disease or not, as some of these symptoms may be due to other problems as well.
CROWN : This is the part of the tooth you can see above the gumline.
ROOT : This part of the tooth sits in the bone below the gum. The root of your tooth is usually twice as long as the crown, the part you see above the gumline.
Why is the Root Canal performed?
The pulp is the living tissue of the tooth with blood supply and nerve supply. Once the dental caries (decay ) involves the pulp, the pulp gets infected causing pain. The aim of the root canal treatment is to remove the infected pulp. This is done by removing the infected pulp with files in the pulp chamber and cleaning and shaping the root canals and sealing the canal with a filling material.
Each tooth has a soft tissue – the pulp which nourishes the tooth. Because of deep decay, injury, or gum disease, the pulp tissue in your tooth has become inflamed or infected. In any other part of your body, if a similar tissue becomes diseased, the body merely throws it off and forms new tissue. However, a tooth is a unique and different. Because the infected soft tissue (pulp) within the tooth is totally encased within hard tissue, it is the role of the dentist to remove the soft tissue located in the root canals, cleanse the area, and finally fill the canals with a special material so that bacteria cannot re-enter the tooth to cause another infection. When the endodontic treatment is complete, the tooth is by no means “dead”. It receives quite adequate support from the surrounding tissues and may be expected to last as long as any other natural tooth.
STEP 1: After the tooth is anesthetized, an opening is made through the crown into the pulp chamber.
STEP 2: The length of the root canals is determined.
STEP 3: Unhealthy pulp is removed. Canals are cleaned, enlarged and shaped.
STEP 4: Canals are filled and sealed. A metal post may be added for structural support or to retain restorative materials.
STEP 5: The tooth is sealed with a temporary filling. Usually a crown adds further protection.
Nothing is as good as a natural tooth! And sometimes your natural tooth may need endodontic (root canal) treatment for it to remain a healthy part of your mouth. Most patients report that having endodontic (root canal) treatment today is as unremarkable as having a cavity filled. Expert endodontics services are carried out in our clinic. They have a wide experience in this regard.
Tooth Restoration
The tooth become weak enough when it starts decaying and the resulting cavity need to be filled immediately so as to prevent the decay and to get back the optimal chewing function. Different types of materials are used to create fillings. Fillings are considered to be the ultimate treatment for tooth decay and also to restore the damaged tooth. Today cosmetic fillings are executed by dentists both for aesthetic reasons and for better oral health. Cosmetic filling is a type do dental procedure where a material like composite white filling or silver amalgam is used so that the decayed tooth can be treated. This material is inserted into the tooth by dentists so as to prevent the decay from spreading and to repair the damages.
Cosmetic fillings are the ultimate treatment to stop the decay from spreading into root which may cause infection later. After the advent of cosmetic fillings the need of tooth extraction is eliminated. There are three different types of material that are used for fillings: Silver amalgam fillings, Fluoride (white) fillings and composite tooth colored fillings.
Silver amalgam is the conventional material that has been in used for years for filling. Silver amalgam is composed of several metals like mercury, tin and copper. With the combination of these materials the normal function of the tooth is well maintained. Not much in use now a days.
Flouride fillings are done in deeper cavities & being adhesive in nature, helps to stick on the teeth.They are white in colour.
The composite tooth colored filling which is a synthetic combination of glass and acrylic resin and it is white in color, thus it amalgamates perfectly with the natural color of the tooth. This filling is mainly offered to patients who are quite concern about their looks and want to have fillings that can amalgamate with the natural color of their tooth.
All these filling materials have their own advantages. Silver amalgam filling is mainly known for its durability and it last for more than ten years. This filling is more durable than other traditional fillings available for cosmetic fillings procedure. Besides, composite white filling is mainly popular for white color that amalgamates with the natural color of the tooth easily. Moreover, it is quite safe and secure to use and your oral health is not hampered by this type of filling. Some complications has been raised about the safety of silver amalgam because of the mercury content and this is the reason why most of the people often opt for composite white filling instead of silver amalgam.
In composite white fillings and in silver amalgam, the procedure is similar because drilling is done to make small opening in the affected tooth so that fillings can inserted. The only different between these two is that in composite filling the dentists will give a final polish so as to make sure that the tooth is clean and amalgamate well with rest of the teeth
- Firstly, the dentists will create marks on the teeth of the patients with the help of which they are get better idea about the shaping process.
- Secondly, the surface of the teeth will be shaped with the help of air turbine drills and during this session the enamel will be shaped gradually.
- Thirdly, the dentists may use abrasive strips as sanding tool between the teeth.
- At last, the dentists will polish and make the surface smooth than ever before so as to make your teeth look perfect.